Currently, the Club is receiving 80 children. These 80 children are welcomed every day with a warm meal at noon, after the school day. Once they’re done with their meal, they are allowed recreation and amusement time so that after, through the facilities lent to the club, they do their homework. In addition, they participate in cooking, music, art, sport, and English classes, which they do not generally receive in their schools.
We received 80 children throughout the whole year, of which 70% of them are living in extreme poverty and without the hope to continue their studies. It has been a demanding task, but not impossible to achieve. The Club has planted a love for studying and a desire to overcome obstacles even when in their culture it is an uncommon attitude.
This year our sponsors in the United States sent the children 15 tablets, so that with the aid of the internet they can complete their assignments and know its correct use; the majority of them had never seen nor used that kind of technology, which has opened their minds to greater things and wonders they have yet to know because of the economic and social limitations of the community. In addition, through the use of social media platforms the Club has become known on a national level, and we also received the endorsement of the First Lady of the Republic of Panama for 5 of our children for an entire year. Likewise the National Service for Borders provided their aid for the Christmas Party for the children at the Club. Little by little, the Club has aimed to include the community so that they can engage and give back to these children who are full of hope and desire for a better future.