Program & Club time standardization to achieve greater academic results:

This year we have put great emphasis on standardization. We have created several curriculums for our club time sessions that we provide in our after school program on. We are also developing different course materials. The most extraordinary ones of this sort are our interactive whiteboard activity packs that are created with the help of a team who is a specialist in creating digitalized teaching contents. Having these digital activity packs is considered to be unique in the field of foreign language learning. They are not only extremely popular with our club kids but also very effective teaching tools. Currently we do not have Wi-Fi in the schools therefore lots of kids need to share the board by taking turns. It is not very time effective and many times kids lose their motivation while waiting for their turns. Providing that next year the Wi-Fi system is established, we would like to buy tablets for the kids to use during their Club times.

School yard needs sponsorship / Establishing a US Foundation:

Since the beginning we have been struggling with finding a sponsor to renovate our main Club’s schoolyard. The present condition of the yard is reported to be dangerous, but it being the only outside area for our kids to be, we have no other possibilities than to use it with 300 kids on a daily basis. We keep trying to find donators and notify the local government regularly, but since the state took over the operations of all the schools in Hungary, they do not have the capital and the right to renovate it. As a result the renovation can only be financed from sponsorship. We are expecting to receive a proposal from a company who is specialized in building outdoor playing areas. Once we have received their offer, we are going to start raising funds both in Hungary and in the USA as the area is getting poorer and poorer by the day. Simultaneously we are working on establishing a US Foundation.

1% income tax: BGC Bilingual Foundation is now eligible for receiving the so called 1% income tax from the citizens of Hungary. We are about to start our local campaign to raise funds. We aim to purchase an A3 size color printer and a 3D printer from the donations.